It is possible that you heard this word first time and seriously I am not shocked, but now it became the concern of today.
So what Misandry actually means, According to google it stands for “dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against men (i.e. the male sex)” or shortly torture on men . We don’t know this word because actually we don’t think this type of thing exists in real life. People believe that men have suppressed this society for ages but it doesn’t mean that revenge is a good idea or you just can’t blame a whole community just because of some disgusting people in society.
Some women do this thing in the name of feminism. Believe me feminism is not about hating men for no reason to show yourself empowered, but to work hard, believe in yourself and lead this world.
We have come across many examples of misandry in our daily life. Like if there is an argument between a man and a woman, a woman could say that she can file a report against him for wrong allegations because we have 40 rules for the women but not a single one for men. Is it our justice , is it our equality. We generally hear about some false allegations towards men in the media and people easily believe it until the victim proves himself right . In India you can see that sometimes it becomes to late for victim to get justice as he chooses suicide as a better option than living in that allegation.I am not blaming the female community for this and even I don’t have some personal grudges for women but the main reason is the society. Society believes on these false allegations very easily and they have a stereotypical vision for the whole community for men, that men don’t cry, men don’t feel pain, men are not so emotional, men are cruel, men are cold hearted and much more. We teach our children that don’t cry, men don’t cry, boys don’t play with dolls, boys don’t wear pinks. Until society doesn’t accept that the thing misbehaving with the men exists in this world, this thing will leave our society.
But did you think that why society created that vision towards men, the simple answer is over consumption of content like shows, movies and advertisement. Movies generally make this thing funny. If you don’t believe this, assume that a man is raped in a movie. Is it funny for you? So this is what the perception of society is towards misandry. If it is not, then you have seen such incidents in movies, videos, shows and they all show it in always funny way .If a woman slaps a man then it is the man’s mistake, if a man slap a woman then it is also a man’s misbehaviour. It doesn’t mean that I support , men can slap. No, but no one can’t use violence towards anyone in a name of feminism or so called man stereotype.
*This is not hate towards any group but enlightening this issue.*